Community Investing Made Easy
There are many ways for you to be a community investor, a game changer.
Donate through your workplace campaign (Don't have one, we can help with that!).
- Tab-able Employee Workplace Pledge Form - complete - save on your computer w/your name - email copy to your payroll rep & workplace campaign coordinator
Be a Sustaining Partner by setting up your donation via our online portal.
Designate United Way of Kitsap County:

Make a gift of sercurities. (EIN 91-0623990)
Give a bequest through your estate - Contact Carl Borg to learn more
Sign up & be a volunteer at
Be a Sponsor and/or attend our FUNdraising events (check News & Events for details).
Smile at a stranger. Open the door for the person behind you. Practice randome acts of kindness.