
- Over 30% of Kitsap County residents experienced 3 or more types of traumatic events in their first 18 years of life.
- 35-40% of our 8th & 10th graders do not have an adult they can turn to when feeling sad or hopeless.
- Nearly 60% of people experiencing homelessness and over half of juveniles in detention have experienced 4 or more types of trauma experiences.
Focus on Solutions:
Thankfully, we also know that the skills we need to be successful students, parents, and employees are learned through experiences and relationships with safe and caring people.
This is why we are focusing on ensuring all children & adults have the relationships and experiences they need to flourish.
Educational Experiences Matter

Helping ensure that children enter kindergarten ready to learn gives them the opportunity to reach their full potential. It matters to everyone that children go on to secondary opportunities and grow up to be contributing members of our community.
Graduate Strong a Kitsap Strong Network
Purpose: Many of the experiences and learning opportunities that shape a child's life occur outside of the classroom in our communities. Science tells us that children develop the capabilities they need to overcome challenges through connections with caring and competent adults. Graduate Strong is a community response designed to help students develop the capabilites, connections, and the credentials they need to flourish.
Graduate Strong's Mission: to strengthen our community by reducing gaps in educational opportunity and increasing post-secondary enrollment and completion.
Financial Stability
Life Experiences Matter

It affects the well-being of our entire community. It means ensuring people of all ages have two or more people to call on in a time of need, feel socially/emotionally supported & hopeful about their future. It means students graduate high school, go on to, and complete post-secondary opportunities that lead to better paying jobs. It means connecting with your neighbor & caring for each other. It means understanding the importance of having a home and the need to prevent homelessness. It also means doing what we can to rescue those who are homeless.